Monday, 22 August 2011


life is sacred
life is a miracle
life can't be bought
life can't be replaced
but (some) life can be saved

life's too short. time's too short to be wasting life.

i'm sorry little one, i didn't mean for this to happen. R.I.P.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

the little ones

dear little one,

i hope all is well with you over there..
i heard where you are is a place everyone wants to be when they leave..just like how you have left.
i never got the chance to say goodbye, but i know i had to apologize..
options weren't knew it too..
again, today, it reminds me of how innocent you were
so once again..i'm sorry
that's all i could ever say to you

you could have breathed the same air
you could have seen the wonderful world god created for us
you could have walked and run the earth too

you would have known what it is like to laugh and cry
you would have known what it is like to feel and try
but all you had known what pain feels like and to silence

this is a little prayer for you. you are not forgotten.


a prayer is made to all the unborn who didn't have the chance to see the world, to breathe the L.I.V.E

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

My Bestfriend Then

2010, my best friend then...

i am writing to you as i did to 2009. i hoped you to be better than him but you gave me more to fight for. it would have been good to start a new journey with you. yet, you had to make another hard one for me.

now my new best friend,
i judged you all too quickly thinking you'd make a better friend. you see, i never learn from my mistakes but everyone knows that learning is a never-ending process. i'll be letting you go now but that doesn't mean i'll forget somehow, you taught me to make better be hard on principles set and dignity...and to s.m.i.l.e...once again. thanks for the 365 days you've given me.

and now, let me introduce you to a new friend...

hello 2011.