Monday 6 July 2009


you once told me,
Who is she to decide our relationship?
And i told you it was because you involved her in it...

Now i asked you..
Who is she to make your decision?
And you told me she is the rose of your heart..
That you need to follow what she says is best for you..

Sometimes we make decisions on our own..
and sometimes we take advices from our surroundings..the people we love..our hearts..

But you know sometimes..
We need to follow what our heart wants...desires
and not what our surroundings, the people we love want..
That'll make them happy but not you..

If you follow what you want and not theirs..
You'll be happy..and so will they....


Awhenstards said...

bg aku xda sapa bleh decide untuk aku..even my perents..
ini hidup kita seniri..kita seniri buat baru kita seniri puaih hati..
aku cuma bleh dengaq advise n aku perlu sokongan.bukan bantahan

Gwen Yong said... do i..
but pity those who can't decide for themselves..